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Physician Coaching alliance

Better. Together.

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It all started from an email sent February 2019 by Errin Weisman DO to 15 colleagues that she knew were interested in wellness work. She had been rolling an idea around after she had started to met so many wonderful physicians who were coaching or interested in coaching. She wondered, “What if I got all the coaches I know together and we worked together? How would that uplevel ourselves and healthcare?" And the idea of Coaching Circle was born.

The group began meeting once monthly then twice monthly and grew in membership. We saw the benefits from viewing different styles of coaching and our art of coaching together in a mutual setting because the most beautiful thing to emerge was COMMUNITY.

How we work

Coaching Colleagues

There’s something special about connecting with another physician colleague who gets you, understands where you are coming from and has “walked the walk.” Within PCA, you will find physicians from every specialty, region and demographic so you can find a physician coach that meshes with you. PCA members believe that you have the solutions to your problems, we just get to come along on the journey as an aid rather than a guide.

Collaborating with organizations

By accessing the Physician Coaching Alliance, organizations gain an entire network of physician coaches who are passionate and committed. PCA works together to meet your needs whether if that is 1 or 1000 physicians in need. 

Connecting coaches together

Being a coaching entrepreneur can be overwhelming and lonely so PCA provides connection, community and networking opportunities for physician coaches within this industry. By joining PCA, you must agree to community core values, policies and usage agreement.

Changing the culture of healthcare

The ultimate impact PCA hopes to make is fundamentally changing the culture of healthcare where shame and guilt no longer has a place. Instead, where compassion, vulnerability and humanism rules all interaction between all parties in healthcare.


Want to Know More?


Become a Coach

Individual Coaching

Institutional Coaching

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Our Values

 1 - Community Over Competition

Gone are the days that we see each other as enemy. Instead, we believe working together is key to the success of an individual and the whole.

2 - Transparency

We believe in going beyond honesty and truly showing our colleagues and the world who we truly are, how we feel, what we can give and where our boundaries lie. We ask the same of our clients and the medical culture at large.  

3 - Vulnerability

We believe in having hard conversations about ourselves, our lives and what impacts us without guilt or shame in a trusting and protected space.  


4 - Open Coach Approach

We believe that we do not hold the answers to others problems nor that there is one singular way to solve an issue. We are present to bring clarity, awareness and action. 

5 - Growth Mindset

We believe every opportunity, challenge or obstacle is a chance to learn something, be better and move forward. We embrace the power of "yet." 

6 - Transformation

We believe life is less about the results and more about the journey/transformation along the way. We strive to help others see they are not stuck.  

Doctors aren’t job hopping. They are leaving toxic work environments to self-protect.
— Errin Weisman, DO | July 2019
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